Getting back on track

Let’s imagine, for the sake of argument, you’ve hit the fuck it button anyway. What do you do next?

Firstly, don’t go on hitting it! You don’t have to turn a slip up into a trainwreck. You might be heading towards a hangover that’s going to hurt, so take whatever steps you still can to limit the damage.

Prioritise your physical needs

There have been thousands of studies on the physiological effects of getting drunk, but only a handful about hangovers. Nobody has ever found a foolproof cure, so this is our best advice:

  • Go back to sleep if you can
  • Sip water if you are dehydrated
  • Take painkillers for your headache
  • Eat some nutritious food when you can manage it.

Don’t drink any more alcohol. The hair of the dog only gets you drunk again, which just delays your hangover. And don’t drive. Even in your hungover state, you may still be over the limit.

Ask yourself questions

Just saying “never again” is a sure-fire way to make a repeat performance inevitable. Once you’ve dealt with your hangover, you’ll need to ask yourself some questions with as much bravery, honesty and self-kindness as you can manage.

Try to piece together what happened. It’s possible that you have big gaps in your memory. Blackouts are a type of amnesia caused by drinking so quickly that your brain loses its ability to form memories. Focus on what you can recall.

Everything you can learn from this experience, however painful, is going to be useful. Revisit your intentions, remind yourself why you want to change, update your plans.

And most of all – hardest of all – forgive yourself.