Your default settings

It’s useful to think of your attitudes as being a bit like your default settings. That’s not quite the right analogy – they didn’t come fully formed out of the box, but have been shaped by your life experiences, your family and the people around you. But your attitudes do form the basis of how you act and react in the world, especially when you’re on autopilot.

Like any default setting, your attitudes probably work OK most of the time. But it’s important to consider whether the things you think, feel and do will actually support you to live the life you imagine. Chances are, some of your attitudes might hold you back from changing your drinking.

Here are some things to think about (just as an example):

  • What’s your attitude to change?
  • Do you get excited at the idea of throwing everything up in the air and seeing what happens?
  • Do you like things to be calm and stable?
  • Do you enjoy experimenting and trying lots of different things?
  • Does change sound like hard work to you?
  • Or does overcoming a challenge make you happy?

Once you start considering your attitudes, it’s likely you are going to want to start fiddling with your default settings. The good news is that every attitude can be changed. And to get you started, we’ve identified three simple tweaks you can make to your attitudes which we think are essential for success.