Noticing what

Paying attention to what we drink gives us even more information to deepen our understanding about where and when we are drinking, as well as who we drink with.

For many of us, particular drinks are at the heart of our drinking habits. We drink beer, wine, and spirits in different contexts, at different paces, and with different people. And we think lots of different things about them.

If we are social drinkers, beer can be a big part of a rounds culture. Having a pint – always a pint, never a half – can be important to us, as can the idea of keeping up with our friends. Beer drinking can be strongly associated with different events – compare barbeque beers and after-work beers. And the type of beer we drink can matter to us too. Some of us go looking for craft beers from microbreweries, while others are happy with mainstream lagers.

Wine drinking has its own set of cultural associations. Some of us might be “red for winter, white for summer” people, while others of us are chardonnay all the way. Whether we’re drinking alone or with friends, it can be hard to leave a bottle unfinished. Half of that bottle is ours, and we have to drink it. Wine can become an obsession for some of us, and we can want to choose quality over quantity. Or perhaps it’s always quantity, and we’re kidding ourselves about our wine snobbery.

Spirits are incredibly varied. But whether we like a gin and tonic, a late night whiskey or a cocktail with an umbrella, each of these drinks is designed to give us something.

In fact, every drink we drink gives us something other than alcohol. Once we’ve understood this, we’re a long way towards remaking our drinking habits.