Club Soda on Telegram

Changing your drinking isn’t something you need to do alone. So this course offers you the chance to get to know other Club Soda members.

Our research shows that connecting with other people is essential for your success in creating and sustaining change. In Club Soda, you’ll find people who are alcohol-free, others who are moderating and many who are exploring their options. Everyone is welcome, and we work hard to make sure our community is a friendly and supportive place to be.

We use Telegram as the primary way for you to connect with others who are taking Club Soda courses.

Telegram is a private messaging app. Unlike WhatsApp, your number is only shared with people who already have it. When you join, you may see that some of your existing contacts use Telegram too, but they won’t know that you’ve joined Club Soda. Our group is private and only visible to people who join, so your conversation is safe and confidential.

Making the most of Telegram

Our Telegram group is a place to ask for and offer support. We are always ready to encourage each other to be honest, brave and kind.

Here are some essential dos and don’ts to get the best out of Club Soda’s Telegram group.

  1. Take your time. You’re welcome to hang out and read messages before you dive in.
  2. Be brief. Telegram chats are fast-moving, so resist the urge to write an essay.
  3. Ask questions. If you’re uncertain about something, it’s likely that other people are too.
  4. Don’t tell people what to do. What works for you might not work for others.
  5. Don’t give or ask for medical advice. Nobody in the group is qualified to help you.
  6. As a general rule, avoid posting when you’re drunk. It’s OK to ask for help if you need encouragement to stop. But it will almost always be better to wait until the next day.

We’re a diverse community of people who are moderating and alcohol-free – and plenty who are still deciding. It’s OK to talk about drinking alcohol, but be aware that it can trigger other people. Especially, do not to post pictures of drinks unless they are alcohol-free.

Because Telegram is a chat app, you can connect with individuals and smaller groups, like WhatsApp. You don’t have to chat with people like this, and don’t feel pressured to respond if you don’t want to. But if you want to make friends, Telegram makes this possible. Be respectful of others, though. Sending inappropriate private messages or photos is never acceptable and will result in you being banned from the group. Our standard Club rules apply.

Join Club Soda on Telegram

Want to join us on Telegram? Follow these three easy steps:

  1. Download the Telegram app for iOS or Android
  2. Follow the instructions to set up your account
  3. Use this link to join the Club Soda group