Four simple questions

Over the coming lessons, we are going to explore four simple but powerful questions. These questions are designed to help you become aware of the context around your drinking. And especially to notice those situations in which you tend to drink more than you want.

As we explore these questions together, remember to be honest, brave and kind to yourself. Notice what is going on, but don’t get attached to it. For now, you’re just observing and collecting information. Later, we’ll use this information to make and refine your plans for change.

  • Where?
    Even before the coronavirus pandemic, two-thirds of our drinking happened at home. But for most people, our drinking changes depending on where we are. Drinking in the pub isn’t the same experience as drinking in our kitchen. Drinking in a bar feels different from drinking in our own backyard.
  • When?
    Many of us drink at particular times of day, on certain days of the week, or around certain events. In fact, drinking by the clock is one of the primary ways that many of us attempt to control our drinking habits. Understanding when we are likely to want to drink helps us understand our routines, so we can begin to change them.
  • Who with?
    For many of us, there are certain people around whom we drink more than we’d want to. Noticing that doesn’t mean we’re blaming them; ultimately, only we are responsible for our choices. And one of those choices might actually be to avoid people when we are drinking, hiding our behaviour from others. This, too, is important to notice.
  • What?
    It’s relatively rare for someone to drink absolutely anything. Although alcoholic drinks all share one critical component, we respond to them differently. And we can find that our preferences develop into an identity. We become a wine connoisseur, a real ale enthusiast, a bourbon aficionado.