Learning to trust

Learning to trust yourself is the key to disarming the fuck it button for good.

In an ideal world, we’d trust ourselves completely, we’d always have our own backs, and we’d never do anything to undermine our success. But if we’ve made promises to ourselves in the past that we haven’t been able to keep, it can be hard to trust ourselves that this time will be different.

There’s an old saying that trust arrives on foot but leaves on horseback. When trust is broken, it vanishes. If we’re going to learn to trust ourselves again, we need to take it one step at a time. How?

  • Come to terms with the reality that you are not perfect (sorry) and you might let yourself down
  • Don’t make promises to yourself that you know you won’t be able to keep – be realistic in your expectations of yourself
  • Focus on what you can do – easy wins are a great way of rebuilding trust in yourself
  • Watch out for negative self-talk that doesn’t do you any favours
  • Surround yourself with people who are going to reinforce yourself self-belief.

Trust in yourself can be rebuilt. And it doesn’t have to be blind optimism that ignores the past. Trust is actually born out of the reality of your experiences. However difficult things have been, you’ve kept going. You’ve made good decisions too, including the ones that brought you to this point.