Attitudes for mindful drinkers

In our experience, there are three attitudes that are useful for any mindful drinker: being honest, being brave and being kind to yourself.

Be honest

In recent times, our culture has weaponised honesty. Honesty has become a sword we wield to bring down the powerful, but we forget that it has a gentler side too. 

Honesty isn’t just about dramatic revelations. Being honest starts with being able to look ourselves in the mirror. It’s about admitting that sometimes we have some uncomfortable feelings about ourselves. We might not be OK right now, but it’s OK to admit that. And even more scarily, there may be things about us that are honestly amazing.

Notice how you feel as you finish this sentence: “To be honest…”

Be brave

Similarly, our culture has given us an overblown view of bravery. We’ve come to believe that bravery is about rushing into burning buildings, standing on high mountains or jumping out of planes.

Being brave means facing up to our anxieties and worries, and deciding that we are going to carry on regardless. Bravery comes as we make small steps towards the future that we want for ourselves. As we are brave, we grow in confidence. And as we grow in confidence, we find opportunities to be brave.

Notice how you feel as you say to yourself: “I can do this.”

Be kind to yourself

Self-care has become a massive industry fueled by consumerism. We’ve confused buying scented candles, soft blankets and yoga mats with the basic (and free) act of being kind to ourselves.

We buy ourselves treats and simultaneously treat ourselves badly. We tell ourselves we’re stupid and wrong, that we’re hopeless, even that we hate being us. If we’re going to be kind to ourselves, let’s stop the relentless war against our own wellbeing. Let’s find what’s good in us and treat ourselves as we would a good friend.

Notice how you feel as you say to yourself: “I like being me.”