Celebrating without alcohol

As you approach the end of , your thoughts may be turning to how you celebrate reaching the finish line.

Alcohol is an important part of how we celebrate together in our culture. Champagne is poured at weddings and sprayed on Formula 1 podiums. We gather teams together for celebratory drinks to mark the completion of our projects. And then there are our birthday gatherings, naming ceremonies, retirement parties, divorce celebrations… in fact, there are endless reasons to chink glasses together when we celebrate.

If you are someone who is moderating your drinking long-term, it’s useful to consider whether you know how to celebrate without drinking. The ability to not drink on any occasion is the key to successful moderation. Your confidence in saying no is the bedrock of being able to say yes, without feeling compelled to drink. You can choose something alcohol-free in any situation, including celebration.

As you change your drinking, there will be milestones that you can celebrate alcohol-free: your first sober birthday, the first wedding at which you don’t get drunk, your first alcohol-free holiday season. Over time, you will discover all sorts of situations that are possible without a drink in your hand. And more than that, you may actually enjoy them more.

You will remember everything that happens. And you will stay in control.

All these events, big and small, are real achievements. Celebrating them is important because it resets your expectations of what you can achieve. As you face more and more situations alcohol-free, your confidence will grow. You will begin to realise you are developing superpowers.

And that reward is the biggest motivation of all.