Someone who can change

One way you can tip the balance at the beginning and kick back at your internal saboteur is to create a new identity as someone who can and will change. You have already put a lot of effort in, just by being here, so there is no reason why you cannot continue to create, define and shape this identity for yourself.

You have to replace the old drinking identity with something new. Try out some ideas:

  • “No, I don’t drink because I have decided to make improvements to my health. Reforming my drinking habits is one change I will benefit from.”
  • “I’m a mindful drinker. Not only am I changing my drinking habits, but I’m also actively working on learning more about myself and my behaviours.” 

It is a big one: do you believe that you can change?

It seems that the more belief in yourself you have, the easier it will be to cut down or quit drinking too. If you are not very confident yet, you can work on it. Think back and remember times or situations where you successfully did something. It can be small things, to begin with. It can be easy to slip into negative thought patterns, and only remember failures, but do try to stay positive. With a new identity, you can adopt the attitude that goes with it – one of a strong self-belief, commitment and determination. It will help if and when things get difficult. This is an identity you are actively working on.