Daily motivational nudges

As we’ve mentioned before, you can take this course at your own pace. That includes deciding when you want to change your drinking. Whether you are working towards being alcohol-free, stopping straight away, or drinking mindfully through the holidays, take this step when you are ready.

But sometimes, we need a nudge in the right direction. Every morning, we will send you an email with an inspirational thought for the day. It could be a quote from someone in the Club Soda community, or some wisdom from a writer, or a provocative question, or a nugget of information. Whatever it is, take time to mull it over and feel free to share it on social media.

The email will include a link so you can come to this website and take the next step on your course. Many people look at this course in the morning to set them up for a positive day ahead. Whether or not you are at a check-in point, take time to plan your day by asking yourself four questions:

  • Where will I be today?
  • When will I be in those places?
  • Who will I be with?
  • What will I drink?

These questions are the beginnings of paying attention and planning for change, and we will explore them in detail later in the course.

The daily motivational nudges are sent using the same system as our regular Club Soda emails. So if you’d like to get these reminders from us, you need to be subscribed. If you don’t get emails from us, sign up to our mailing list. If you’d like to opt out of the nudges, you can update your preferences or unsubscribe at any time. There are links to do this in every email we send you.